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About 156,430 children to go to school for the first time in 2020 in Kyrgyzstan

At least 156,430 children will go to the first grade in the new school year in Kyrgyzstan. The Minister of Education and Science Kanybek Isakov announced at a meeting of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The minister noted that admission to the first grades in five cities is carried out through «Electronic registration of children at state and municipal educational organizations» system. It operates in pilot mode in Bishkek, Osh, Jalal-Abad, Kyzyl-Kiya, Tokmak and Kara-Balta. In 2021, it is planned to introduce it in other large cities and in several districts.

This system allows parents to enroll their child in a general education school using specialized software, get instant access to a document registered in the system, track the timeliness of its processing, and be able to promptly make corrections.

In total, 25,309 applications have been registered in the system. At least 19, 902 first-graders of them have been enrolled in schools: in Bishkek — 12,172 children, Osh — 4,116, Kara-Balta — 420, Tokmak — 1,014, Kyzyl-Kiya — 996, Jalal-Abad — 1,184.

Earlier, the Prime Minister Kubatbek Boronov said that first graders will learn in the traditional format, other students — online.
