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Abdulaziz Zakirov: New bill does not limit the right to wear hijab

The head of the Spiritual Directorate of the Muslims of Kyrgyzstan, Abdulaziz Zakirov, commented on the amendments to the Law «On Freedom of Religion and Religious Associations» proposed by the State Commission on Religious Affairs.

In his speech, he noted that the draft law is being actively discussed with religious scholars and lawyers. A commission has been created under the Ulema Council to work on the legal aspects of the document.

The mufti emphasized that the messages that appeared on the Internet about a possible ban on hijab and dawah are not true. The draft law does not contain provisions that limit the right of women to wear hijab or headscarves in public places, such as schools and hospitals, he stated.

Abdulaziz Zakirov also recalled that the right to wear hijab is a constitutional right of women in the Kyrgyz Republic.

It was previously reported that the State Commission on Religious Affairs is initiating adoption of a new version of the Law «On Freedom of Religion and Religious Associations.»
